Sunday 18 August 2013


Recently, I have seen a rise in shops selling fabrics and 'Vintage' styled products like cushions or phone cases. Having been pretty awful at using a sewing machine at school in the past, I had never thought about using one to make my own objects until recently when myself and my mum started buying little squares of fabric in an attempt to make something successfully.  We have two sewing machines at home, however they haven't been used in some years, so we took down both from the loft to see which would be better suited. The older sewing machine which was my grandad and grandmas actually worked better than the newer one. After some difficulty setting up and threading the sewing machine I finally managed to get the hang of it and as it turns out had more success with it than my mum.
I made a couple of small objects while still getting the hang of it, one of which was a scent bag that now hangs on a door in our living room but I also visited a fantastic fabric shop in chesterfield where I bought some scrap fabric for 50p in the hope of doing some more tests with the sewing machine. However, as the material was of a good quality and reasonable size, I thought about what else I could do with it. I had always liked the idea of making myself a case for my nexus tablet and so this is what I set out to do.
I already had the stuffing and the outer fabric but I wanted some for the lining- I found a white new bed sheet at a charity shop for about £2 which means I have plenty of fabric left over to use in later projects.
I layered my fabric, placing the flat stuffing between the two and began sewing from the inside out, once I had fully sewn it up, I snipped the inside corners down so that the outside corners could be pushed out fully and turned it around to the correct way. I was already really impressed with how it had turned out but I wanted to add something to it which would stop my tablet from falling out. I found some lovely ribbon I've had for a few years and a silver button which complimented it well. I hand sewed both of these on and It was done!
I am really impresses with how it has turned out, especially seeing as I haven't really made anything like it before, I will certainly be keeping up using the sewing machine!

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