Saturday 17 August 2013


A couple of years ago my media teacher introduced me to a gallery owner in Bakewell who was interested in a photographic calendar i had made for a project. He liked my photography, however he thought it could have a better potential on greetings cards and so i looked around and it took me awhile to make a decision on printing and choosing my photos. 
I contacted an artist who already exhibited in the gallery with his Photography work; Chris Gilbert at Ravenseye Gallery who I sent a few of my photos to. He gave me some advice on my photographs, helped me to choose the best ones and told me how much It would cost for him to print them. 
I firstly printed only a few to see how they sold at the gallery- I found that I only sold a few, however I managed to sell a lot at a festival I had helped to organise for a project I was currently doing. I then printed more cards but unfortunately this year the gallery I worked at and sold my cards at is no longer up and running. I think its such a shame that it can no longer run, but no one seems to be willing to spend their money on art anymore. 
Therefore, I now have my cards back all packaged up ready to be sold but no one to sell them too! I am currently looking around local galleries that may give my work a space, however it is difficult because there are a lot of different photographic cards around and very little room for more. 
If anyone could help me at all with this then I would be most greatful, especially if I would be able to print more cards and fresh designs. 

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