Friday 6 September 2013

More sewing.

I am really starting to enjoy using the sewing machine now, I find it easy to thread and I have been looking into making different patterns.
I've found some really lovely places to buy fabric from in Chesterfield and Bakewell. The Fabric shop on Chatsworth Road has some really good value material and a wide range of different patterns and designs. 
I bought a small amount of material from a 'bargain box' just to play around with, but i have since used this to make four different objects on the sewing machine. 
I did have a few problems with the thread becoming stuck in the material and therefore jamming the machine and needle, but after sorting this out i managed to quickly start making again. 
Having not had much experience with a sewing machine before, i am pretty impressed with the results of my first few objects and have bought more material so i can hopefully work on some bigger projects and increase my knowledge of using a sewing machine. I think learning this skill is quite important, not to mention enjoyable!

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