Monday 26 May 2014

New DISCoveries

Over the past few days i have been fully introduced to 'Bombay Bicycle Club' and have not stopped listening to their album since. Music is such an inspiration for many things, especially the way it makes us feel. This is what i love about their album 'So Long, See You Tomorrow'; there is such a collection of different sounds each creating a unique emotion.

For me, when I'm listening to music i always create images in my head to suit the music, in this case, i see almost psychedelic typical of artwork by artists such as Victor Moscoso and Wes Wilson who created very bright images.

This is the cover for the album and instantly i can connect it to the music, i think it fits perfectly. The band also released a special edition version of the album which featured a vinyl version, songbook with chords and an art print of the cover in the form of a phenakistoscope (a device which when turned creates a moving image) I love this idea; of bringing something made in print to life. (Go enjoy their album!)

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