Tuesday 5 March 2013

Life drawing continued

Today, we have begun to do full body life drawing from a nude model. We used easels and A1 sized pieces of paper; newsprint and brown paper and drew using pencil and charcoal. The first two sections were 15 minute time slots where i used pencil to draw on newsprint paper, i found it challenging to fit the full figure on my page and i wasn't able to get the proportions correct. During the second 15 minute time slot, we were told to use charcoal and used an outstretched arm and a pencil to find the size of the head and how many heads make up the body. I drew on a line at the top, a line at the bottom and a line down the middle to help guide the proportions. I found using the charcoal made the drawing look much more effective as the lines could be freer which is helpful when sketching out shapes. The second drawing was a little more successful, however i found myself running out of space for the feet even though i had put down lines to guide me.

After doing some research into Leonardo Da Vinci's 'Vitruvian Man'  i found how important it was to split the page into sections to achieve the correct proportions. Using this, i split the page into 6 and a half sections (the heads) and measured where areas of the figure should lie. I found this very useful as it enabled me to get the head in proportion with the legs and feet which i had previously struggled with.  The next few drawings were done in charcoal over 20 minute, and two 10 minute time periods. I began to overlap drawings as the model turned after 10 minutes;  this would be a helpful skill for concept art designers who would need to create quick, accurate sketches.

For the last three drawings i had 5 minutes for each, after which the model would turn. I found these drawings the hardest because they were so quick, i think it was hard to capture the figure accurately. The proportions were rushed but these were the only drawings where i could fit the feet on.

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