Friday 21 December 2012

Ethical Fashion- Body Image

Body image has been seen to be something as very important in the fashion industry for many years.It has been noted, that models on catwalks and on advertising are unusually thin and therefore this has caused many issues over how someone should look. Unfortunately, as this idealized image has been made about women, it has caused many women to suffer from eating disorders in order to try to conform to society's view on how someone should look. There have been recent efforts to rid of the abnormally thin girls and replacing them with more realistic sized women which better suit today's times. However, i think that there will always be this perception that all women must be the same petite size where the reality is quite the opposite; in our minds that is how we view models and thus the products themselves. Advertisement takes a large part in the portrayal of the industry- again they show stick thin models wearing the clothing which not only makes you want to buy the products because they look good on the models, but it gives you something to aim to.
Of course, body image isn't the only issue concerning the fashion industry, there are other things such as; Animal welfare, excessive consumption, cultural appropriation and environmental impact. Collectively, these give a bad name to the fashion industry. Campaigns such as 'The source' aim to help businesses become more sustainable without compromising the people or the environment.

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