Thursday 22 November 2012

Photoshop and Photomontage- Peter Blake

Peter Blake, best known for his individual pop art style and album covers, is a british artist taking a lot of influence from pop music and it's audience. He became quite central in the 60's in the pop art movement and has produced art in ranges of media such as collage, sculpture, engraving, printmaking and particularly album artwork. 

One of his most famous pieces of work is the Beatles cover 'St. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band' which incorporates a range of different images of people who had significance in the lives of the Beatles; people who they admired. 

I think that the design for this album cover is clever and reflects the nature of the music. The bright colours make it stand out and this is particularly effective at drawing people in. This was very influential in developing the pop art movement with the Beatles fast becoming one of the most popular bands of their time. 

The above image is another of piece of art by Blake, which shows iconic and recognisable images such as the Coca Cola logo or Elvis. The use of these images allows the audience to relate to them and once again the pop art style makes it slightly bizarre but the use of the images looks correct. The abnormality of the image is contained within the border and each block is the same size which allows a certain sense of regularity to it. 

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